What is the role of the Select Board?
Canton's local government is governed by:
An elected Select Board which makes policy
An appointed Town Administrator who implements Select Board policy on a day-to-day basis
Town Meeting, residents who vote on town appropriations recommended by the Select Board and other local government bodies.
Canton’s Select Board is comprised of five members who are elected for staggered three-year terms. The Select Board is the chief elected and executive officers of the Town of Canton.
The Select Board is responsible for:
Hiring all non-school municipal employees, including public safety, public works and other general government functions such as finance, human resources, building inspections, maintenance, elder services, legal services, animal control, conservation, and veterans service.
Making appointments to many Town committees
Granting permits and licenses such as liquor licenses, road closures, business openings, special events and entertainment.
Providing recommendations to Town Meeting on decisions delegated to Town Meeting, including the Town’s annual operating budget line items totaling approximately $145 million and an annual capital budget of about $8 million.
Setting the Town’s tax rates, water and sewer rates and various Town employee insurance rates.
Approving employment contracts with many of the Town’s unionized employees, including police and fire.
Managing litigation to which the Town is party.
The Select Board also makes decisions which impact the future of the Town such as the Town’s goals and strategies to protect and strengthen the community’s financial health and well-being, including housing, economic development, environmental stewardship, fiduciary management and good governance.
For more information visit the Town of Canton Select Board Website