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Monday November 18, 2024
7:00 pm
Canton High School Auditorium

  • The  2024 Special Town Meeting will involve two Special Town Meetings.

  • The first Special Town Meeting will convene at 7:00 pm and the purpose is to vote on funding for the Galvin Middle School Renovation.

  • The second Special Town Meeting will consider certain zoning and other fiscal articles as set forth in the warrant. It will convene at the conclusion of the First Special Town Meeting.

What is Town Meeting?

  • Town Meeting is the legislative body of Canton's town government.  

  • Any registered voter in Canton is eligible to attend and vote at Town Meeting.

  • You must be registered to vote in Canton  to participate in Canton's Town Meeting. Check voter registration status here.

  • At Town Meeting, Canton residents vote on appropriations, zoning bylaws and other matters as set forth in the in the warrant.


Who is the Finance Committee and how do they come up with their recommendations?

  • The Finance Committee is comprised of a group of nine residents appointed by the Town Moderator.

  • The Finance Committee meets regularly in open meeting to listen to presentations on the warrant articles, to discuss the articles, and ultimately vote and make recommendations. 

  • The Finance Committee meetings can be viewed on Canton Community Television.


How long does Town Meeting last?

  • The  2024 Special Town Meeting starts at 7 pm on November 18, 2024.  It runs until the body approves a motion to adjourn.  While there is no set end time, Town Meeting ends when all articles have been voted on or, if not finished, voters typically vote to adjourn at 11:00 pm. 

  • If all articles have not been voted on by the end of the first night Town Meeting continues the following Wednesday night, and continues to run on Monday and Wednesday nights until all articles are voted.


How can I prepare for Town Meeting?

  • Read the Finance Committee Recommendations to Voters in advance of Town Meeting.  This booklet was mailed to all households and contains all the articles being voted on and also contains votes and discussions of the Finance Committee. If you did not receive this booklet, additional copies are available at town hall

  • Familiarize yourself with the rules and procedures governing Town Meeting.

  • Read the Citizens Guide to Town Meeting from the Massachusetts Secretary of State


How can I participate at Town Meeting?

  • After an article is described, town meeting voters can ask questions and make comments.  Simply approach a microphone and wait to be called on by the Moderator.

  • To make the most of everyone’s time, remember the following:

    • All questions and comments go through the Moderator. 

    • You will be asked to state your name and address for the record.

    • State why you are in favor or against an article, unless you simply have a question, in which case just state that you have a question.

    • Try not to repeat points made by previous speakers. 

    • Try to keep it short and to the point – other voters will appreciate this!

    • Read the room. Consider whether voters have already decided or whether you have something new to add before speaking.



Visit the Town of Canton Website for more information 

about Canton’s Special Town Meeting.





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