About Canton Voter Guide
The Canton Voter Guide is designed to help you, as a voter, feel more confident when voting in our town elections and at town meeting.
The Canton Voter Guide is non-partisan and was put together by volunteers with the intention of helping Canton residents become informed voters. The following Canton residents contributed to this site:
Christine Smith:
Christine Smith has lived in Canton since 1994, currently serves on Canton's Energy Advisory Committee and is the former chair of the Canton Sustainability Committee.
Gregory Murphy:
Greg Murphy moved to Canton in 2000 and currently serves on the Capital Planning Committee, the Economic Development Committee, and the Climate Action Plan Committee.
Kristin Mirliani:
Kristin Mirliani moved to Canton in 2004 primarily for our public school system. She is currently a member of the Finance Committee and previously served on the Master Plan Implementation Committee, a five-year term on the Planning Board, and 2 three-year terms on the School Committee.
Mark Porter:
Mark Porter moved to Canton in 2007 and previously served as the chair of the town Finance Committee and Select Board.
Contact us: info@cantonmavoterguide.com